Feeling Jazzed About…


Happy Sunday morning!

This is my favorite part of the week to simply lie around and be lazy. We had a little farmer’s market and dog park playtime and now I’m just relaxing on my couch with hubs and pup. Life is sweet.

Here’s a list of what I am feeling excited about, inspired by, slightly greedy for and generally psyching on…

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My Fashion Passion


Although I mostly live in skinny jeans, ballet flats and t-shirts these days (with a hefty dose of spandex and hoodies at the start of my day), my dearest love of fashion comes in the vintage form. I adore the shapes, colors, textures and styles of the garments from the past century. The 20th century had an incredible array of styles. The evolution of fashion from corsets to miniskirts was remarkable. The 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s 60s, 70s, 80s – who am I kidding? I love them all.

I guess I’ve always wanted to live during another era. My ever-practical Vaishnava husband reminds me that I DID live in another era, many in fact, I just don’t remember them. But that isn’t enough for me and so I lovingly collect remnants from long ago. I adore antiques in all forms, but the wearable and useable are my favorites.

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Let’s Talk Yoga Clothes


I’m not super into the whole popular modern yoga look. I don’t wear the neon luon nor the flowy Ganesha shirts and the many layers of malas. But…if I looked and lived like Christy Turlington, I would always do Second Series in a satin jumpsuit. Anyways, that’s besides the point. Despite my dislike of both the hippy-dippy yoga flow look and the obnoxiously bright and sporty spandex route, I don’t do my asana practice naked.

Clothes are part of the deal and having the right clothes for my practice helps. I learned the lesson the hard way. In my naive, pre-Ashtanga days, I bought these two overpriced (but very pretty!) yoga tops that just didn’t cut it when you’re a C cup and actually doing repeated vinyasas. Pop! Yea, that’s a bit distracting. As is the tugging and readjusting of ill-fitting tights or straps in the middle of an asana.

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